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Villa Rica

Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

Scheme 1 - New Scheme - Villa Rica:
Villa Rica

Main Body Color Options: DE6136 Terracotta Sand RL#RL#503
Garage Door Color Options: DE6136 Terracotta Sand RL#RL#503
Fascia Color Options: DE6070 Chocolate Chunk RL#RL#549
Trim Color Options: DE6070 Chocolate Chunk RL#RL#549
Pop-out Color Options: DE6070 Chocolate Chunk RL#RL#549
Fascia Color Options: DE6142 Floating Feather RL#RL#504
Trim Color Options: DE6142 Floating Feather RL#RL#504
Pop-out Color Options: DE6142 Floating Feather RL#RL#504

Notes: Pop-out Color is Optional.Approved 2/2011

Scheme 2 - New Scheme - Villa Rica:
Villa Rica

Main Body Color Options: DEC720 Cliff's View RL#RL#598
Garage Door Color Options: DEC720 Cliff's View RL#RL#598
Fascia Color Options: DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687
Trim Color Options: DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687
Pop-out Color Options: DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687
Fascia Color Options: DEW309 Ajo Lily RL#RL#046
Trim Color Options: DEW309 Ajo Lily RL#RL#046
Pop-out Color Options: DEW309 Ajo Lily RL#RL#046

Notes: Pop-out Color is Optional.Approved 2/2011

Scheme 3 - New Scheme - Villa Rica:
Villa Rica

Main Body Color Options: DEC739 Golden Gate RL#RL#693
Garage Door Color Options: DEC739 Golden Gate RL#RL#693
Trim Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Fascia Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Pop-out Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Trim Color Options: DEC737 Jakarta RL#RL#683
Fascia Color Options: DEC737 Jakarta RL#RL#683
Pop-out Color Options: DEC737 Jakarta RL#RL#683

Notes: Pop-out Color is Optional.Approved 2/2011

Scheme 4 - Existing Scheme - Villa Rica:
Villa Rica

Main Body Color Options: DEC754 Quicksand RL#RL#669
Garage Door Color Options: DEC754 Quicksand RL#RL#669
Trim Color Options: DEC704 Moenkopi Tan RL#RL#617
Fascia Color Options: DEC704 Moenkopi Tan RL#RL#617
Pop-out Color Options: DEC704 Moenkopi Tan RL#RL#617

Notes: Pop-out Color is Optional.Approved 2/2011

Scheme 5 - Existing Scheme - Villa Rica:
Villa Rica

Main Body Color Options: DE6120 Tea Biscuit RL#RL#501
Garage Door Color Options: DE6120 Tea Biscuit RL#RL#501
Trim Color Options: DE6128 Sand Dune RL#RL#502
Fascia Color Options: DE6128 Sand Dune RL#RL#502
Pop-out Color Options: DE6128 Sand Dune RL#RL#502

Notes: Pop-out Color is Optional.Approved 2/2011

Scheme 6 - Existing Scheme - Villa Rica:
Villa Rica

Main Body Color Options: DE6114 Dry Dune RL#RL#500
Garage Door Color Options: DE6114 Dry Dune RL#RL#500
Trim Color Options: DE6101 Galveston Tan RL#RL#498
Fascia Color Options: DE6101 Galveston Tan RL#RL#498
Pop-out Color Options: DE6101 Galveston Tan RL#RL#498

Notes: Pop-out Color is Optional.Approved 2/2011

Scheme 7 - Villa Rica:
Villa Rica

Main Body Color : DE6117 Colorado Trail RL#RL#556
Pop-Out Color : DEW328 Pearl White RL#RL#042
Trim: DE6049 Chaps RL#RL#546

Notes: Must have approval from HOA prior to application.

Scheme 8 - Villa Rica:
Villa Rica

Main Body Color : DE6130 Wooded Acre RL#RL#558
Pop-out Color : DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Trim: DE6132 Big Stone Beach RL#RL#558

Notes: Must have approval from HOA prior to application.

Scheme 9 - Villa Rica:
Villa Rica

Main Body Color : DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687
Pop-out : DE6125 Carved Wood RL#RL#557
Trim: DEC746 Apache Tan RL#RL#629

Notes: Must have approval from HOA prior to application.

Scheme 10 - Villa Rica:
Villa Rica

Main Body Color : DEC760 Desert Gray RL#RL#600
Pop-out : DE6198 Cream Wave RL#RL#512
Trim : DE6210 Midnight Brown RL#RL#569

Notes: Must have approval from HOA prior to application.

Scheme 11 - Villa Rica:
Villa Rica

Mian Body Color : DEC759 Hickory RL#RL#694
Pop-out : DE6191 Exclusive Ivory RL#RL#511
Trim : DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549

Notes: Must have approval from HOA prior to application.

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.