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Val Vista Classic Parcel 1

Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

Scheme 1 - Val Vista Classic Parcel 1:
Val Vista Classic Parcel 1 Exterior Colors

Body: DE6075 Wood Lake RL#RL#550
Wrought Iron: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476
Pop-out's: DE6212 Crisp Muslin RL#RL#514
Front Door/Garage Door/Shutter (Garage Door on address 1652 E Bridgeport, 1639 E Lowell): DET611 Iron-ic RL#RL#908
Fascia on address 2637 S Balsam, 2779 S Key Biscayne (Iron/Eaves on address 1625-1627 E Chelsea) (Eaves on address 1652 E Bridgeport) (Iron/Fascia on address 1639 E Lowell): DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548

Scheme 2 - Val Vista Classic Parcel 1:
Val Vista Classic Parcel 1 Exterior Colors

Body: DE6206 Desert Suede RL#RL#513
Iron: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476
Iron (address 2632-2634 S. Harmony, 2622-2624 S Balsam) : DE6280 English Forest RL#RL#579
Pop-out's: DE6212 Crisp Muslin RL#RL#514
Front Door/Garage Door/Shutter (Iron on address 2632-2634 S Key Biscayne) (Iron/Shutters on address 1626-160 E Chelsea) Garage Door on address 1656 E Bridgeport, 2783 S Alpine): DE6230 Center Ridge RL#RL#572
Pop-out's (address 2641 S Bahama Dr.): DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Front Door/Shutter (address 2632-2634 S Key Biscayne) (Garage Door/Shutters on address 2623-2625 S Balsam): DET611 Iron-ic RL#RL#908
Iron (on address 2623-2635 S Balsam): DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572

Scheme 3 - Val Vista Classic Parcel 1:
Val Vista Classic Parcel 1 Exterior Colors

Body: DE6222 Weather Board RL#RL#571
Iron/Front Door/Garage Door/Shutter/Eaves: DE6049 Chaps RL#RL#546
Pop-out's (Front Door on address 2776 S Bahama Dr): DE6212 Crisp Muslin RL#RL#514
Garage Door/Shutter (address 2631-2633 S Harmony): DET611 Iron-ic RL#RL#908
Garage Door/Shutter (address 2631-2633 S Harmony) (Garage Door/Iron on address 2776 S Bahama Dr): DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572
Garage Door/Shutter (address 2631-2633 S Key Biscayne): DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687
Iron on address 2777-2779 S Alpine, 2778-2789 S Key Biscayne: DE6280 English Forest RL#RL#579

Scheme 4 - Val Vista Classic Parcel 1:
Val Vista Classic Parcel 1 Exterior Colors

Body: DE6110 Warm Hearth RL#RL#555
Iron/Eaves (address 2624-2626 S Key Biscayne) Garage Door/Shutter on address 2631-2635 S. Alpine Dr.) (Iorn on address 1633-1635 E Lowell): DET693 Mayan Chocolate RL#RL#990
Pop-out's: DE6212 Crisp Muslin RL#RL#514
Front Door/Garage Door/Shutter (Iron address 2622-2644 S.Harmony, 2624-2626 S Key Biscayne, 2626-2628 S Alpine Dr, 2619-2621 S Alpine Dr.) (Garage Door on address 1676-1678 E Bridgeport): DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572
Iron (address 2637-2639 S Harmony, 2623-2625 S Key Biscayne, 2634-2636 S Balsam, 1632-1634 E Canyon Creek, 2773-2775 S Key Biscayne): DEA002 Black RL#RL#476
Garage Door/Shutter (address 2623-2635 S Key Biscayne) (Front Door/Shutter on address 2626-2628 S Alpine): DET611 Iron-ic RL#RL#908
Garage Door on address 1633-1635 E Lowell: DE6280 English Forest RL#RL#579

Scheme 5 - Val Vista Classic Parcel 1:
Val Vista Classic Parcel 1 Exterior Colors

Body: DEC766 Steveareno Beige RL#RL#630
Iron: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476
Pop-out's: DE6212 Crisp Muslin RL#RL#514
Front Door/Garage Door/Shutter (Front Door/Shutter/Iron on address 2777-2779 S Harmony): DET680 Espresso Macchiato RL#RL#977
Iron (address 2623-2625 S. Harmony, 2628-2630 S Balsam): DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572
Front Door/Garage Door (2623-2625 S. Harmony) (Shutters/Front Door on address 2628-2630 S Balsam): DET611 Iron-ic RL#RL#908
Pop-out's/Garage Door/Front Door on address 2781 S Bahama Dr: DE6068 Cobblestone Path RL#RL#549

Scheme 6 - Val Vista Classic Parcel 1:
Val Vista Classic Parcel 1 Exterior Colors

Body: DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687
Iron/Front Door/Garage Door/Shutter: DE6280 English Forest RL#RL#579
Pop-out's (Front Door on address 1628 E Canyon Creek): DE6212 Crisp Muslin RL#RL#514
Eaves (Iron on address 2631 S Balsam): DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Front Doors/Shutters (address 2638 S. Harmony, 2617-2619 S Bahama Dr, 1635-1637 E Canyon Creek) (Garage Door/Shutter on address 2631 S Balsam) Shutters/Front Door/Garage Door on address 1639 E Chelsea, 2780-2782 S Alpine, 2793-2795 S Key Biscayne) Shutters/Front Door/Garage Door/Iron on address 2775 S Balsam): DET611 Iron-ic RL#RL#908
Garage Door/Shutter (address 2633-2635 S Bahama Dr.) Garage Door/Front Door/Shutter on address 2625-2627 S. Alpine Dr., 1633-1635 E Chelsea, 2790-2792 S Balsam) (Garage Door/Front Door on address 2625-2627 S Alpine Dr.) (Iron on address 2780-2782 S Alpine) (Front Door/Shutters on address 2789-2791 S Bahama): DE6049 Chaps RL#RL#546
Iron on address 2779 S Balsam: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476

Notes: Eaves are only on certain buildings

Scheme 7 - Val Vista Classic Parcel 1:
Val Vista Classic Parcel 1 Exterior Colors

Body: DE6206 Desert Suede RL#RL#513
Iron: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572
Pop-out's/Fascia (Garage Door/Front Door on address 2776 S Alpine): DE6068 Cobblestone Path RL#RL#549
Front Door/Garage Door/Shutter : DET611 Iron-ic RL#RL#908
Iron on address 2776 S Alpine, 2789-2791 S Bahama: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476
Support Posts/Fascia on address 2776 S Alpine): DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548

Scheme 8 - Val Vista Classic Parcel 1:
Val Vista Classic Parcel 1 Exterior Colors

Body: DE6150 Gourmet Honey RL#RL#505
Iron/Eaves: DE6049 Chaps RL#RL#546
Pop-out's: DE6212 Crisp Muslin RL#RL#514
Front Door/Garage Door/Shutter: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.