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The Fairway Masters

Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

New Scheme 1 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DE6193 Bamboo Screen RL#RL#567
Fascia Color Options: DE6199 Pale Beach RL#RL#512
Trim Color Options: DE6199 Pale Beach RL#RL#512
Front Door Color Options: DE6028 Dark Ruby RL#RL#543
Shutter Color Options: DE6028 Dark Ruby RL#RL#543
Garage Door Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008

Notes: Columns & Posts to be painted DE 6199 Pale Beach.

New Scheme 2 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DEC773 Heather RL#RL#665
Trim Color Options: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Fascia Color Options: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Shutter Color Options: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476
Front Door Color Options: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476
Garage Door Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008

Notes: Columns & Posts to be painted DE 6229 Calico Rock.

New Scheme 3 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DEC741 Bone White RL#RL#604
Fascia Color Options: DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687
Trim Color Options: DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687
Shutter Color Options: DE6377 Boat Anchor RL#RL#593
Front Door Color Options: DE6377 Boat Anchor RL#RL#593
Garage Door Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008

Notes: Outlookers & Posts to be painted DEC 718 Mesa Tan.

New Scheme 4 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DE6213 Fine Grain RL#RL#514
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Shutter Color Options: DE6034 Raisin in the Sun RL#RL#544
Front Door Color Options: DE6034 Raisin in the Sun RL#RL#544

Notes: Outlookers & Posts to be painted DEW 340 Whisper.

New Scheme 5 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#RL#564
Trim Color Options: DE6208 Tuscan Mosaic RL#RL#569
Fascia Color Options: DE6208 Tuscan Mosaic RL#RL#569
Garage Door Color Options: DE6208 Tuscan Mosaic RL#RL#569
Shutter Color Options: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476
Front Door Color Options: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476

Notes: Columns & Posts to be painted DE 6208 Tuscan Mosaic.

New Scheme 6 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DE6157 Bisque Tan RL#RL#506
Trim Color Options: DE6179 Oak Harbor RL#RL#565
Fascia Color Options: DE6179 Oak Harbor RL#RL#565
Front Door Color Options: DEA147 Garnet Evening RL#RL#436
Shutter Color Options: DEA147 Garnet Evening RL#RL#436
Garage Door Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008

Notes: Columns & Posts to be painted DE 6179 Oak Harbor.

New Scheme 7 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DE6144 Graham Cracker RL#RL#560
Trim Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Fascia Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Garage Door Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Front Door Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584
Shutter Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584

Notes: Columns & Posts to be painted DEC 764 Inside Passage.

New Scheme 8 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DEC751 Ash Gray RL#RL#654
Trim Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Fascia Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Garage Door Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Shutter Color Options: DE6356 Sheet Metal RL#RL#590
Front Door Color Options: DE6356 Sheet Metal RL#RL#590

Notes: Columns & Posts to be painted DEC 765 Bone.

New Scheme 9 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DEC761 Cochise RL#RL#605
Trim Color Options: DEC771 Shaggy Barked RL#RL#655
Fascia Color Options: DEC771 Shaggy Barked RL#RL#655
Shutter Color Options: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476
Front Door Color Options: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476
Garage Door Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008

Notes: Columns & Posts to be painted DEC 771 Shaggy Barked.

New Scheme 10 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DE6207 Egyptian Sand RL#RL#569
Trim Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Fascia Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Shutter Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Front Door Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Garage Door Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620

Notes: Columns & Posts to be painted DEC 765 Bone.

New Scheme 11 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DEC745 Chaparral RL#RL#624
Trim Color Options: DEC772 Navajo White RL#RL#660
Garage Door Color Options: DEC772 Navajo White RL#RL#660
Fascia Color Options: DEC772 Navajo White RL#RL#660
Front Door Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Shutter Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674

Notes: Columns & Posts to be painted DEC 772 Navajo White.

New Scheme 12 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Garage Door Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Trim Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Fascia Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Front Door Color Options: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476
Shutter Color Options: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476

Notes: Columns & Posts to be DEC 765 Bone.

Existing Scheme 1 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DEC758 Cashmere RL#RL#689
Stucco Accent Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097
Fascia Color Options: DEW346 Swan White RL#RL#033
Trim Color Options: DEW346 Swan White RL#RL#033
Garage Door Color Options: DEW346 Swan White RL#RL#033
Front Door Color Options: DE5776 Lunar Eclipse RL#RL#421
Shutter Color Options: DE5776 Lunar Eclipse RL#RL#421

Notes: Railings to be painted DE 5776 Lunar Eclipse. Eaves to be painted DEW 346 Swan White.

Existing Scheme 2 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DE6128 Sand Dune RL#RL#502
Fascia Color Options: DEW354 Van de Cane RL#RL#073
Trim Color Options: DEW354 Van de Cane RL#RL#073
Garage Door Color Options: DEW354 Van de Cane RL#RL#073
Shutter Color Options: DE5874 Deep Reservoir RL#RL#426
Front Door Color Options: DE5874 Deep Reservoir RL#RL#426

Notes: Railings to be painted DE 5874 Deep Reservoir. Eaves to be painted DEW 354 Van de Cane.

Existing Scheme 3 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DEC738 Travertine RL#RL#688
Garage Door Color Options: DEC741 Bone White RL#RL#604
Trim Color Options: DEC741 Bone White RL#RL#604
Fascia Color Options: DEC741 Bone White RL#RL#604
Shutter Color Options: DEC705 Burnt Crimson RL#RL#622
Front Door Color Options: DEC705 Burnt Crimson RL#RL#622

Notes: Railings to be painted DEC 705 Burnt Crimson. Eaves to be painted DEC 741 Bone White.

Existing Scheme 4 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DEW326 Birch White RL#RL#032
Fascia Color Options: DEC715 Sandal RL#RL#672
Trim Color Options: DEC715 Sandal RL#RL#672
Garage Door Color Options: DEC715 Sandal RL#RL#672
Front Door Color Options: DE6287 Italian Basil RL#RL#580
Shutter Color Options: DE6287 Italian Basil RL#RL#580

Notes: Railings to be painted DE 6287 Italian Basil. Eaves to be painted DEC 715 Sandal.

Existing Scheme 5 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DEC737 Jakarta RL#RL#683
Trim Color Options: DE6213 Fine Grain RL#RL#514
Fascia Color Options: DE6213 Fine Grain RL#RL#514
Garage Door Color Options: DE6213 Fine Grain RL#RL#514
Front Door Color Options: DE5711 Up North RL#RL#419
Shutter Color Options: DE5711 Up North RL#RL#419

Notes: Railings to be painted DE 5711 Up North. Eaves to be painted DE 6213 Fine Grain.

Existing Scheme 6 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DE6149 Cream Washed RL#RL#505
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6135 Verona Beach RL#RL#503
Fascia Color Options: DE6241 Lunar Landing RL#RL#518
Trim Color Options: DE6241 Lunar Landing RL#RL#518
Garage Door Color Options: DE6241 Lunar Landing RL#RL#518
Shutter Color Options: DE5776 Lunar Eclipse RL#RL#421
Front Door Color Options: DE5776 Lunar Eclipse RL#RL#421

Notes: Railings to be painted DE 5776 Lunar Eclipse. Eaves to be painted DE 6241 Lunar Landing.

Existing Scheme 7 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DE6149 Cream Washed RL#RL#505
Fascia Color Options: DEC770 Drifting RL#RL#650
Trim Color Options: DEC770 Drifting RL#RL#650
Garage Door Color Options: DEW380 Warm White RL#RL#005
Front Door Color Options: DE5803 Turbulent Sea RL#RL#423
Shutter Color Options: DE5803 Turbulent Sea RL#RL#423

Notes: Railings to be painted DE 5803 Turbulent Sea. Eaves to be painted DEC 770 Drifting.

Existing Scheme 8 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DE6170 Rice Bowl RL#RL#508
Fascia Color Options: DEW380 Warm White RL#RL#005
Trim Color Options: DEW380 Warm White RL#RL#005
Shutter Color Options: DE5796 Before the Storm RL#RL#422
Shutter Color Options: DE5796 Before the Storm RL#RL#422

Notes: Railings to be painted DE 5796 Before the Storm. Eaves to be painted DEW 380 White.

Existing Scheme 9 - The Fairway Masters:
The Glenn

Stucco Color Options: DEC758 Cashmere RL#RL#689
Fascia Color Options: DE6170 Rice Bowl RL#RL#508
Trim Color Options: DE6170 Rice Bowl RL#RL#508
Garage Door Color Options: DE6170 Rice Bowl RL#RL#508
Front Door Color Options: DE6075 Wood Lake RL#RL#550
Shutter Color Options: DE6075 Wood Lake RL#RL#550

Notes: Railings to be painted DE 6075 Wood Lake. Eaves to be painted DE 6170 Rice Bowl.

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.