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Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

Scheme 1 - Serenata:
New Color Palette

Main Body Color Options: DE6207 Egyptian Sand RL#RL#569
Fascia Color Options: DE6191 Exclusive Ivory RL#RL#511
Front Door Color Options: DE6021 Outer Boundary RL#RL#542
Garage Door Color Options: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Trim Color Options: DE6191 Exclusive Ivory RL#RL#511
Shutter Color Options: DE6021 Outer Boundary RL#RL#542
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6021 Outer Boundary RL#RL#542

Notes: NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.Approved 10/15/12Exterior Light color: DE6021 Outer Boundary

Scheme 2 - Serenata:
New Color Palette

Main Body Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Fascia Color Options: DE6194 Natural Bridge RL#RL#567
Front Door Color Options: DE6084 Roxy Brown RL#RL#551
Garage Door Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Stucco Accent Color Options: DEC726 Adobe RL#RL#628
Trim Color Options: DE6194 Natural Bridge RL#RL#567

Notes: NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.Approved 10/15/12Exterior Light color: DE6084 Roxy Brown Vent color: DEC726 Adobe

Scheme 3 - Serenata:
New Color Palette

Main Body Color Options: DE6178 Boutique Beige RL#RL#509
Fascia Color Options: DE6076 Wandering Road RL#RL#550
Front Door Color Options: DE6056 Buffalo Herd RL#RL#547
Garage Door Color Options: DE6076 Wandering Road RL#RL#550
Trim Color Options: DEC760 Desert Gray RL#RL#600

Notes: NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.Approved 10/15/12Exterior Light color: DE6056 Buffalo Herd

Scheme 4 - Serenata:
New Color Palette

Main Body Color Options: DE6170 Rice Bowl RL#RL#508
Fascia Color Options: DE6124 Whole Wheat RL#RL#557
Front Door Color Options: DE6306 Armor RL#RL#583
Garage Door Color Options: DE6076 Wandering Road RL#RL#550
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6076 Wandering Road RL#RL#550
Trim Color Options: DE6124 Whole Wheat RL#RL#557
Shutter Color Options: DE6306 Armor RL#RL#583
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6306 Armor RL#RL#583

Notes: NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.Approved 10/15/12Exterior Light color: DE6306 Armor

Scheme 5 - Serenata:
New Color Palette

Main Body Color Options: DE6123 Trail Dust RL#RL#557
Fascia Color Options: DE6205 Stucco Tan RL#RL#513
Front Door Color Options: DE6041 Missing Link RL#RL#545
Garage Door Color Options: DE6205 Stucco Tan RL#RL#513
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6068 Cobblestone Path RL#RL#549
Trim Color Options: DE6205 Stucco Tan RL#RL#513

Notes: NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.Approved 10/15/12Exterior Light color: DE6041 Missing Link Vent color: DE6068 Cobblestone Path

Scheme 6 - Serenata:
New Color Palette

Main Body Color Options: DEC750 Bison Beige RL#RL#649
Fascia Color Options: DEC751 Ash Gray RL#RL#654
Front Door Color Options: DE6356 Sheet Metal RL#RL#590
Garage Door Color Options: DEC751 Ash Gray RL#RL#654
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6213 Fine Grain RL#RL#514
Trim Color Options: DE6213 Fine Grain RL#RL#514

Notes: NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.Approved 10/15/12Exterior Light color: DE6356 Sheet Metal

Scheme 7 - Serenata:
New Color Palette

Main Body Color Options: DE6170 Rice Bowl RL#RL#508
Fascia Color Options: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Front Door Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584
Garage Door Color Options: DE6170 Rice Bowl RL#RL#508
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579
Trim Color Options: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Shutter Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584

Notes: NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.Approved 10/15/12Exterior Light color: DE6314 Dark Pewter Vent color: DE6278 Stone Creek

Scheme 8 - Serenata:
New Color Palette

Main Body Color Options: DE6221 Flintstone RL#RL#571
Fascia Color Options: DE6230 Center Ridge RL#RL#572
Front Door Color Options: DE6315 Black Pool RL#RL#584
Garage Door Color Options: DEC772 Navajo White RL#RL#660
Trim Color Options: DEC772 Navajo White RL#RL#660

Notes: NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.Approved 10/15/12Exterior Light color: DE6315 Black Pool

Scheme 9 - Serenata:
New Color Palette

Fascia Color Options: DE6111 S'mores RL#RL#555
Main Body Color Options: DE6144 Graham Cracker RL#RL#560
Front Door Color Options: DE6390 Chocolate Pudding RL#RL#595
Garage Door Color Options: DE6111 S'mores RL#RL#555
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6061 River Rocks RL#RL#548
Trim Color Options: DE6061 River Rocks RL#RL#548

Notes: NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.Approved 10/15/12Exterior Light color: DE6390 Chocolate Pudding

Scheme 10 - Serenata:
New Color Palette

Main Body Color Options: DEC702 Antique Rose RL#RL#607
Fascia Color Options: DE6067 Crushed Stone RL#RL#549
Front Door Color Options: DE6390 Chocolate Pudding RL#RL#595
Garage Door Color Options: DE6122 Dry Creek RL#RL#501
Trim Color Options: DE6122 Dry Creek RL#RL#501

Notes: NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.Approved 10/15/12Exterior Light color: DE6390 Chocolate Pudding

Scheme 11 - Serenata:
New Color Palette

Main Body Color Options: DE6162 Antique Lace RL#RL#507
Fascia Color Options: DE6192 Nomadic Taupe RL#RL#511
Front Door Color Options: DE6279 Armored Steel RL#RL#579
Garage Door Color Options: DE6192 Nomadic Taupe RL#RL#511
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6234 Serene Thought RL#RL#517
Trim Color Options: DE6234 Serene Thought RL#RL#517

Notes: NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.Approved 10/15/12Exterior Light color: DE6279 Armored Steel

Scheme 12 - Serenata:
New Color Palette

Main Body Color Options: DE6150 Gourmet Honey RL#RL#505
Fascia Color Options: DEC763 Oatmeal Cookie RL#RL#615
Front Door Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584
Garage Door Color Options: DE6215 Wooden Peg RL#RL#570
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6215 Wooden Peg RL#RL#570
Trim Color Options: DEC763 Oatmeal Cookie RL#RL#615
Shutter Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584

Notes: NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.Approved 10/15/12Exterior Light color: DE6314 Dark Pewter

Perimeter Wall Color - Serenata Walls Brown - Serenata:
New Color Palette

Sample Not Available

Notes: Please note: There is no color sample to view for Serenata walls brown. Please use this formula when ordering your paint. Formula: 04: 6Y+6.641, 08: 1Y+5.943, 13: 1Y+23.346. M Base. This is for one gallon of paint.

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.