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Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

Scheme 1 - Province:
Fulton Homes - 12

Body: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Trim/Popout: DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690

Scheme 2 - Province:
Fulton Homes - 12

Body: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Trim/Popout: DEC709 Adobe South RL#RL#642

Scheme 3 - Province:
Fulton Homes - 12

Body: DE6094 Canyon Dusk RL#RL#497
Trim/Popout: DEC704 Moenkopi Tan RL#RL#617

Scheme 4 - Province:
Fulton Homes - 12

Body: DE6109 Kraft Paper RL#RL#555
Trim/Popout: DEC706 Rosewood RL#RL#627

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.