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Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

Scheme 1 - PebbleCreek:
Scheme Introduced in 2009

Main Body Color Options: DEC725 Weathered Coral RL#623
Fascia Color Options: DE6209 Rock 'n' Oak RL#569
Garage Door Color Options: DE6209 Rock 'n' Oak RL#569
Pop-out Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#564
Front Door Color Options: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#572
Shutter Color Options: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#572
Pop-out Color Options: DEC725 Weathered Coral RL#623
Main Body Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#564

Scheme 2 - PebbleCreek:
Scheme Introduced in 2009

Main Body Color Options: DE6156 Marble Dust RL#506
Fascia Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#674
Garage Door Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#674
Pop-out Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#564
Front Door Color Options: DEC756 Weathered Brown RL#679
Shutter Color Options: DEC756 Weathered Brown RL#679
Pop-out Color Options: DE6156 Marble Dust RL#506
Main Body Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#564

Scheme 3 - PebbleCreek:
Scheme Introduced in 2009

Main Body Color Options: DE6144 Graham Cracker RL#560
Garage Door Color Options: DE6077 Deep Brown RL#550
Pop-out Color Options: DE6214 Pigeon Gray RL#570
Front Door Color Options: DEC756 Weathered Brown RL#679
Shutter Color Options: DEC756 Weathered Brown RL#679
Fascia Color Options: DE6077 Deep Brown RL#550
Pop-out Color Options: DE6144 Graham Cracker RL#560
Main Body Color Options: DE6214 Pigeon Gray RL#570

Scheme 4 - PebbleCreek:
Scheme Introduced in 2009

Main Body Color Options: DE6171 Sand Dollar RL#508
Fascia Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#570
Garage Door Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#570
Pop-out Color Options: DE6199 Pale Beach RL#512
Front Door Color Options: DE6245 Aged Jade RL#574
Shutter Color Options: DE6245 Aged Jade RL#574
Pop-out Color Options: DE6171 Sand Dollar RL#508
Main Body Color Options: DE6199 Pale Beach RL#512

Scheme 5 - PebbleCreek:
Scheme Introduced in 2009

Main Body Color Options: DE6137 Tan Plan RL#559
Fascia Color Options: DE6178 Boutique Beige RL#509
Garage Door Color Options: DE6178 Boutique Beige RL#509
Pop-out Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#564
Front Door Color Options: DE6042 Bear in Mind RL#545
Shutter Color Options: DE6042 Bear in Mind RL#545
Pop-out Color Options: DE6137 Tan Plan RL#559
Main Body Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#564

Scheme 6 - PebbleCreek:
Scheme Introduced in 2009

Main Body Color Options: DE6129 Rustic Taupe RL#502
Fascia Color Options: DEA161 Wild Mustang RL#450
Garage Door Color Options: DEA161 Wild Mustang RL#450
Pop-out Color Options: DE6221 Flintstone RL#571
Shutter Color Options: DEA159 Rich Mocha RL#448
Front Door Color Options: DEA159 Rich Mocha RL#448
Pop-out Color Options: DE6129 Rustic Taupe RL#502
Main Body Color Options: DE6221 Flintstone RL#571

Scheme 7 - PebbleCreek:
Scheme Introduced in 2009

Main Body Color Options: DE6151 Warm Butterscotch RL#561
Fascia Color Options: DE6152 Maple View RL#561
Garage Door Color Options: DE6152 Maple View RL#561
Pop-out Color Options: DE6150 Gourmet Honey RL#505
Front Door Color Options: DE6209 Rock 'n' Oak RL#569
Shutter Color Options: DE6209 Rock 'n' Oak RL#569
Pop-out Color Options: DE6151 Warm Butterscotch RL#561
Main Body Color Options: DE6150 Gourmet Honey RL#505

Scheme 8 - PebbleCreek:
Scheme Introduced in 2009

Main Body Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#682
Fascia Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#548
Garage Door Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#548
Front Door Color Options: DE6042 Bear in Mind RL#545
Shutter Color Options: DE6042 Bear in Mind RL#545
Pop-out Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#682
Pop-out Color Options: DE6214 Pigeon Gray RL#570
Main Body Color Options: DE6214 Pigeon Gray RL#570

Scheme 9 - PebbleCreek:
Scheme Introduced in 2009

Main Body Color Options: DEC723 Champagne RL#613
Fascia Color Options: DE6126 Stockhorse RL#557
Garage Door Color Options: DE6126 Stockhorse RL#557
Pop-out Color Options: DEC767 Riverbed RL#635
Shutter Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#570
Front Door Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#570
Pop-out Color Options: DEC723 Champagne RL#613
Main Body Color Options: DEC767 Riverbed RL#635

Scheme 10 - PebbleCreek:
Scheme Introduced in 2009

Main Body Color Options: DE6143 Almond Latte RL#504
Fascia Color Options: DE6147 Chester Brown RL#560
Garage Door Color Options: DE6147 Chester Brown RL#560
Pop-out Color Options: DE6144 Graham Cracker RL#560
Front Door Color Options: DEA162 Log Cabin RL#451
Shutter Color Options: DEA162 Log Cabin RL#451
Pop-out Color Options: DE6143 Almond Latte RL#504
Main Body Color Options: DE6144 Graham Cracker RL#560

Scheme 11 - PebbleCreek:
Scheme Introduced in 2009

Main Body Color Options: DE6205 Stucco Tan RL#513
Fascia Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#674
Garage Door Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#674
Pop-out Color Options: DE6207 Egyptian Sand RL#569
Front Door Color Options: DEA186 Black Pearl RL#475
Shutter Color Options: DEA186 Black Pearl RL#475
Pop-out Color Options: DE6205 Stucco Tan RL#513
Main Body Color Options: DE6207 Egyptian Sand RL#569

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.