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Metro Square

Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

Verify colors with your property manager before buying or applying them - Metro Square:
Metro Square

Body Light Brown: DEC766 Steveareno Beige RL#RL#630
Body Yellow: DEC728 Madera RL#RL#638
Body Dark Brown: DEC759 Hickory RL#RL#694
Body Dark Gray: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Sample Not Available
Body Light Gray Metro Square 97-2221-FO :
Body Dark Sage: DE6277 Pebble Walk RL#RL#579
Body Sage: DE6289 Silver Fox RL#RL#525
Sample Not Available
Sample Not Available

Notes: Evershield 20 Velvet

Evershield 20 Velvet - Metro Square:
Metro Square

Sample Not Available
Trim Dark Gray Wood Moss KM197:
Sample Not Available
Trim Yellow Metro Square 97-2195-FO:

Evershield 50 Semi-Gloss - Metro Square:
Metro Square

Front Doors Blue: DE5873 Periscope RL#RL#426
Front Doors Raspberry: DE5020 Mahogany Cherry RL#RL#381
Front Doors Wine: DEA149 Spiced Berry RL#RL#438
Front Doors Indigo: DE5951 Exotic Evening RL#RL#325

- Metro Square:
Metro Square

Ultrashield Acrylic Urethane 40 Low Sheen - Metro Square:
Metro Square

Roof Jacks Black Bean: DE6385 Black Bean RL#RL#594

Evershield 20 Velvet - Metro Square:
Metro Square

Monument Sign Blue Earth: DE5853 Blue Earth RL#RL#321
Monument Sign Wildflower Honey: DET486 Wildflower Honey RL#RL#783

- Metro Square:
Metro Square

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.