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Horne Avenue Community

Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

Scheme 1A - Horne Avenue Community:

Body: DEC772 Navajo White RL#RL#660
Trim or Door: DEC746 Apache Tan RL#RL#629
Trim or Door: DEC799 Wharf View RL#RL#696

Scheme 1B - Horne Avenue Community:

Body: DEC746 Apache Tan RL#RL#629
Trim or Door: DEC772 Navajo White RL#RL#660
Trim or Door: DEC799 Wharf View RL#RL#696

Scheme 2A - Horne Avenue Community:

Body: DEC720 Cliff's View RL#RL#598
Trim or Door: DE6116 Dover Plains RL#RL#556
Trim or Door: DE6034 Raisin in the Sun RL#RL#544

Scheme 2B - Horne Avenue Community:

Body: DE6116 Dover Plains RL#RL#556
Trim or Door: DEC720 Cliff's View RL#RL#598
Trim or Door: DE6034 Raisin in the Sun RL#RL#544

Scheme 3A - Horne Avenue Community:

Body or Trim: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Trim or Door: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Trim or Door: DE6119 Neutral Valley RL#RL#556

Scheme 3B - Horne Avenue Community:

Body or Trim: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Trim or Door: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Trim or Door: DE6119 Neutral Valley RL#RL#556

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.