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Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

Scheme 1 - Geneva:

Main Body Color Options: DE6185 Light Aspiration RL#RL#510
Fascia Color Options: DE6125 Carved Wood RL#RL#557
Pop-out Color Options: DE6201 Rattan Basket RL#RL#568
Shutter Color Options: DE6201 Rattan Basket RL#RL#568
Iron: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592
Garage Door Color Options: DE6125 Carved Wood RL#RL#557

Scheme 2 - Geneva:

Main Body Color Options: DE6198 Cream Wave RL#RL#512
Fascia Color Options: DET681 Moderne Class RL#RL#978
Pop-out Color Options: DEC715 Sandal RL#RL#672
Shutter Color Options: DEC715 Sandal RL#RL#672
Iron: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592
Garage Door Color Options: DET681 Moderne Class RL#RL#978

Scheme 3 - Geneva:

Main Body Color Options: DE6122 Dry Creek RL#RL#501
Fascia Color Options: DE6076 Wandering Road RL#RL#550
Pop-out Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Shutter Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Iron: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592
Garage Door Color Options: DE6076 Wandering Road RL#RL#550

Scheme 4 - Geneva:

Main Body Color Options: DE6116 Dover Plains RL#RL#556
Fascia Color Options: DE6112 Cedar Chest RL#RL#555
Pop-out Color Options: DE6117 Colorado Trail RL#RL#556
Shutter Color Options: DE6117 Colorado Trail RL#RL#556
Iron: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592
Garage Door Color Options: DE6112 Cedar Chest RL#RL#555

Scheme 5 - Geneva:

Main Body Color Options: DE6116 Dover Plains RL#RL#556
Fascia Color Options: DET670 Vintage Ephemera RL#RL#967
Pop-out Color Options: DE6132 Big Stone Beach RL#RL#558
Shutter Color Options: DE6112 Cedar Chest RL#RL#555
Iron: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592
Garage Door Color Options: DE6112 Cedar Chest RL#RL#555

Scheme 6 - Geneva:

Main Body Color Options: DET638 Sepia Tone RL#RL#935
Fascia Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Pop-out Color Options: DE6145 Rocky Ridge RL#RL#560
Shutter Color Options: DE6397 Hickory Cliff RL#RL#596
Iron: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592
Garage Door Color Options: DE6397 Hickory Cliff RL#RL#596

Scheme 7 - Geneva:

Main Body Color Options: DEC771 Shaggy Barked RL#RL#655
Fascia Color Options: DET642 Bay Salt RL#RL#939
Pop-out Color Options: DE6216 Barrel Stove RL#RL#570
Shutter Color Options: DE6294 Midnight Spruce RL#RL#581
Iron: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592
Garage Door Color Options: DE6294 Midnight Spruce RL#RL#581

Scheme 8 - Geneva:

Main Body Color Options: DET624 Sorrel Felt RL#RL#921
Fascia Color Options: DEC774 Shady RL#RL#670
Pop-out Color Options: DET695 Grange Hall RL#RL#992
Shutter Color Options: DE6041 Missing Link RL#RL#545
Iron: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592
Garage Door Color Options: DE6041 Missing Link RL#RL#545

Scheme 9 - Geneva:

Main Body Color Options: DE6137 Tan Plan RL#RL#559
Fascia Color Options: DE6126 Stockhorse RL#RL#557
Pop-out Color Options: DE6147 Chester Brown RL#RL#560
Shutter Color Options: DE6119 Neutral Valley RL#RL#556
Iron: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592
Garage Door Color Options: DE6119 Neutral Valley RL#RL#556

Scheme 10 - Geneva:

Main Body Color Options: DE6214 Pigeon Gray RL#RL#570
Fascia Color Options: DET634 Downing to Earth RL#RL#931
Pop-out Color Options: DE6068 Cobblestone Path RL#RL#549
Shutter Color Options: DET699 Bourbon Truffle RL#RL#996
Iron: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592
Garage Door Color Options: DET699 Bourbon Truffle RL#RL#996

Scheme 11 - Geneva:

Main Body Color Options: DEC739 Golden Gate RL#RL#693
Fascia Color Options: DET634 Downing to Earth RL#RL#931
Pop-out Color Options: DEC730 Alluring Umber RL#RL#648
Shutter Color Options: DE6194 Natural Bridge RL#RL#567
Iron: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592
Garage Door Color Options: DE6194 Natural Bridge RL#RL#567

Scheme 12 - Geneva:

Main Body Color Options: DEC719 Coral Clay RL#RL#692
Fascia Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Pop-out Color Options: DE6075 Wood Lake RL#RL#550
Shutter Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549
Iron: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592
Garage Door Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.