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Estrella Park

Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

Elevation ‘A’-1 - Estrella Park:
Estrella Park

Body: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Pop-outs: DE6075 Wood Lake RL#RL#550
Accent (Front Door): DE6048 Pine Cone RL#RL#546

Notes: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color & may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.

Elevation ‘A’-2 - Estrella Park:
Estrella Park

Body: DEC758 Cashmere RL#RL#689
Pop-outs: DEC719 Coral Clay RL#RL#692
Accent (Front Door): DE6055 Wild West RL#RL#547

Notes: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color & may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.

Elevation ‘A’-3 - Estrella Park:
Estrella Park

Body: DE6110 Warm Hearth RL#RL#555
Pop-outs: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Accent (Front Door): DE6055 Wild West RL#RL#547

Notes: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color & may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.

Elevation ‘B’-1 - Estrella Park:
Estrella Park

Body: DEC747 Sahara RL#RL#634
Pop-outs & Fascia: DEC762 Milkweed RL#RL#610
Accent (Front Door & Shutters): DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690

Notes: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color & may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.

Elevation ‘B’-2 - Estrella Park:
Estrella Park

Body: DEC722 Baja White RL#RL#608
Pop-outs & Fascia: DEC760 Desert Gray RL#RL#600
Accent (Front Door & Shutters): DE6132 Big Stone Beach RL#RL#558

Notes: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color & may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.

Elevation ‘B’-3 - Estrella Park:
Estrella Park

Body: DE6216 Barrel Stove RL#RL#570
Pop-outs & Fascia: DET698 Bidwell Brown RL#RL#995
Accent (Front Door & Shutters): DE6098 Burns Cave RL#RL#553

Notes: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color & may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.

Elevation ‘C' or 'D' -1 - Estrella Park:
Estrella Park

Body: DEC743 High Noon RL#RL#614
Pop-outs & Fascia: DEC750 Bison Beige RL#RL#649
Accent (Front Door): DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674

Notes: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color & may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.

Elevation ‘C' or 'D' -2 - Estrella Park:
Estrella Park

Body: DEC771 Shaggy Barked RL#RL#655
Pop-outs & Fascia: DE6220 Porous Stone RL#RL#515
Accent (Front Door): DE6238 Spruce Woods RL#RL#573

Notes: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color & may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.

Elevation ‘C' or 'D' -3 - Estrella Park:
Estrella Park

Body: DE6061 River Rocks RL#RL#548
Pop-outs & Fascia: DE6057 Raindrops RL#RL#492
Accent (Front Door): DE6058 Thick Fog RL#RL#492

Notes: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color & may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. NOTE: Must submit for approval to your HOA before applying.

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.