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Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

Scheme 1 - Crestwood:

Stucco (Stucco and siding can be the same): DE6213 Fine Grain RL#RL#514
Siding or Wood Trim Option (if used for siding, trim must be DEA161 Wild Mustang. You do not have to use this color): DE6215 Wooden Peg RL#RL#570
Wood Trim Only: DEA161 Wild Mustang RL#RL#450

Scheme 2 - Crestwood:

Stucco (Stucco and siding can be the same): DEC743 High Noon RL#RL#614
Siding Option Only (You do not have to use this color): DE6198 Cream Wave RL#RL#512
Wood Trim Only: DET453 Majolica Earthenware RL#RL#750

Scheme 3 - Crestwood:

Stucco (Stucco and siding can be the same): DE6178 Boutique Beige RL#RL#509
Siding Option Only (You do not have to use this color): DE6144 Graham Cracker RL#RL#560
Wood Trim Only: DEA162 Log Cabin RL#RL#451

Scheme 4 - Crestwood:

Stucco (Stucco and siding can be the same): DET635 Ecru Wealth RL#RL#932
Siding or Wood Trim Option (If used for siding, trim must be DE6230 Center Ridge. You do not have to use this color): DET512 Whale Watching RL#RL#809
Wood Trim Only: DE6230 Center Ridge RL#RL#572

Scheme 5 - Crestwood:

Stucco and/or Siding Option: DEC771 Shaggy Barked RL#RL#655
Stucco and/or Siding Option: DEC772 Navajo White RL#RL#660
Wood Trim Only (Can be used with both DEC771 Shaggy Barked and DEC772 Navajo White or with just one for both the stucco and siding. Wood Trim must always be DE6231 Shaker Gray): DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572

Scheme 6 - Crestwood:

Stucco and Siding or Wood Trim Option: DEC760 Desert Gray RL#RL#600
Wood Trim or Stucco and Siding Option (both Colors must be used. Main Body: DEC760 Desert Gray with DE6183 Home Plate Trim or Main Body: DE6183 Home Plate with DEC760 Desert Gray Trim): DE6183 Home Plate RL#RL#510

Scheme 7 - Crestwood:

Succo and Siding: DE6163 Melted Wax RL#RL#507
Wood Trim Only: DET439 Spice of Life RL#RL#736

Scheme 8 - Crestwood:

Stucco and Siding: DET673 Mission White RL#RL#970
Wood Trim Only: DE6235 Northgate Green RL#RL#573

Scheme 9 - Crestwood:

Stucco and Siding: DE6206 Desert Suede RL#RL#513
Wood Trim Only: DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687

Scheme 10 - Crestwood:

Stucco and Siding: DEC786 Miner's Dust RL#RL#631
Wood Trim Only: DET626 Metal Fringe RL#RL#923

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.