A house with bushes in front of a building

2024 Pasadena Showcase House of Design

The Pasadena Showcase House of Design is an annual event showcasing remarkable homes, renowned for their architectural significance and timeless beauty. Each year, leading designers transform the chosen property into a masterpiece, highlighting the best in design and decor. This event serves as a fundraiser by the Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts, supporting music programs and granting funds to various non-profit organizations.
Dunn-Edwards is a proud sponsor of the Pasadena Showcase House of Design, providing invaluable support and expertise. With a longstanding partnership spanning over fifty years, Dunn-Edwards contributes paint and guidance on color trends, crucial to the renovation process.
Purchase tickets here.


The Pasadena Showcase House is open for public tours on April 21-May 19. Tickets start at $35/person and support local music programs and award grants to other non-profit organizations to support their mission.


Explore the Color Palette

Experience the artistry of color as you delve into the interiors of Potter Daniels Manor. From the tranquil whispers of white and off-white tones to the earthy warmth of natural hues, every corner of this estate is alive with inspiration. And don’t miss the star of the show – Dunn-Edwards 2024 Color of the Year, Skipping Stones.

Explore the color palette of the 2024 Pasadena Showcase House of Design and uncover the magic of color in every room’s detail. Download the list of paint colors used by designer and by room here.

WHITES 8 colors

NEUTRALS 10 colors

REDS / PURPLES 5 colors

BLUES 7 colors

GREENS 4 colors

BROWNS / TANS 4 colors


paint cans sitting on a table


Dunn-Edwards carries a wide range of paint products, whether interior, exterior, or specialty.

paint sample on a table


Inspiration can happen in a moment. Dunn-Edwards Perfect Palette® features user-friendly colors and tools, making it easy for both professionals and consumers to choose the perfect colors for their projects.

A room filled with furniture and a fireplace

Pasadena Showcase Tickets

The Pasadena Showcase House of Design is open April 21 – May 19, 2024. Tour the home and make a day of it with a variety of shops and food available.

Dunn-Edwards paint store near Pasadena CA 91107


Dunn-Edwards products are sold at over 160 company-owned stores in the Southwest and more than 90 dealers nationwide and internationally.