Cómo determinar si la pintura existente es al agua o al aceite

Es importante saber si su pintura actual es al agua o al aceite. Aprende a determinar este dato de forma rápida y sencilla en este vídeo superbreve sobre pintura.

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Apertura- Logotipo Dunn-Edwards [Music Playing]
Mujeres que hablan how to determine if existing paint is water or oil-based hand holds a bottle of rubbing alcohol hand holds cotton balls set of hands use bottle of rubbing alcohol to wet a cotton ball hand rubs cotton ball across door paints with red water-based paint hand holding cotton ball turns to show cotton has a red tinge to it hand swabbing a second door painted with red oil-based paint shows cotton has no red tinge set of hands holds two cotton balls one is tinted the other is not done Edwards logo